“Kid Security” is a free family GPS tracker for smartphones that lets you know your kid’s location by using your kid’s phone.
Know your kid is safe all the time.
“Kid Security” helps you keep calm and ensure safety of your kid at any time and place!
“Kid Security” uses advanced GPS, Wi-Fi and GSM technologies, which allows you to get the most accurate information about your kid’s location.
But despite the complex technology, the app is user-friendly and accessible.
Set a “Place» - areas such as “School” or “Home”. Get notified when your kid comes to school and leaves home.
In case of danger, your kid can send the SOS-signal. You will get the notification with the exact location and be able to instantly react and help the kid.
Parents often call their kids and can't reach them. In this case, with Kid’s Security, every parent can listen to what is happening around the kid.
You can also reach your kid by sending a loud signal, even if your kid’s phone is on the silent mode.
See the exact history of your kid’s movements for the day to find out if the kid was playing on an abandoned building site or in some prohibited places. With that in mind, you can discuss it with your kid.
© 2019 - 2021 LLP Kid Security Limited
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